If your job search has you feeling down, anxious, or pessimistic, you’re not alone. Use these six easy steps to lessen your job-hunting depression and get back on track now. Don’t let your feelings of hopelessness about your job search cause burnout and emotional exhaustion. Remember that no matter the outcome of your job searching and the number of rejections you’ve received, your current situation doesn’t define you.

Plans can be invigorating, and with the time that you’ve had to reflect, you may come upon new plans of attack. Now may be a great time to head your career in a new direction. With your last job, you gained experience that you didn’t have previously. If you’re tired of a frustrating job search, how does your experience measure up to Loki’s, the god of mischief? Despite not becoming the king of Asgard, he coped with rejection and worked alongside his brother, Thor. Cheeky Scientist is the world’s largest job-search training platform for PhDs. With over 200,000 monthly readers from 150 countries and 15,000 individual subscribing PhD members from 60 countries, we are a global authority on getting PhDs hired into top industry careers.

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But be careful …hustle porn is addictive and is taking over There is a lot of content on social media about starting side hustles. For the uninitiated, this is taking on work as a freelancer or launching a… Make your dreams a reality with a professional evaluation of your career to date. Never has it been easier to access free resources but you do have to be mindful of the source. You can take out a subscription to LinkedIn Premium for a month at no cost.

Since the onset of the Covid-19 crisis, many candidates have found opportunities and roles harder to come by. The financial implications of the pandemic have meant companies making cuts to staff and/or choosing not to hire during a time of uncertainty, meaning new opportunities are more limited. The solution to job-search depression isn’t as easy as hitting the pavement and sending out more résumés. If you’re facing unemployment and dealing with depression, the desire to crawl under your covers and never leave the house again can be strong. After all, your former job was likely one of your main motivators to getting out of bed every morning.

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The feelings of anxiety and inadequacy that Adrian speaks about are a common fallout from long-term job hunting. While in a depressed state, your mind lies to you and tells you that you have no skills, no talent, and that you have nothing to contribute. Naturally, such feelings are going to hinder your ability to appear confident in interviews and market yourself. Thus, you https://remotemode.net/ end up caught in a vicious cycle of low self-esteem, leading to bad interview performances, which in turn, compounds your feelings of inadequacy. This feedback mechanism creates a conundrum where the longer you go without landing a job, the harder it weighs down on your mental and emotional health. In 2021, 3 million Americans had been out of a job since the pandemic.

​​In March 2022 we asked Health & Safety professionals on LinkedIn what qualification they had found the most useful to their HSE / EHS career? We had 973 people vote, with NEBOSH Certificate/Di… Instead, stick to finding a role at the right level that you know is the logical next step in your career. If you need a helping hand, our team of recruitment consultants can help you to narrow your search and find that dream role.

Set Yourself Up For Some Wins

If you recognise any of the following warning signs make sure you take the next steps. For many people, this also means stop the small things that trigger negative thinking.

depression and job search

There are reasons why the job search takes a psychological toll. If you’re refreshing your inbox every few minutes or perusing job boards constantly, you’re keeping your body and mind in a high-alert stress mode that can do damage over time.

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Try to strike the balance between timely follow-up and constant pestering, because you can risk alienating people,” she says. Mary Lynn now uses her unique skill set as a trendsetting entrepreneur, Certified Master Life Coach, and Business Consultant. Her career spanning Europe and the United States, has given her strong cross- cultural understanding. Her dynamic and authentic coaching style creates trust, motivates, and moves people toward positive change with tangible results. Readabout herarticles, tips and tools, and information onher programs at Expectedly, depression becomes a new reality for these older workers facing job search ageism.

  • Sometimes a good chat is the best remedy for a tough emotional situation.
  • Susan has 20+ years of experience and held leadership positions in HR, talent management, leadership and organisation development at business unit and corporate levels.
  • If you’re interested in pursuing activities that relate to your professional skills, keeping your résumé up-to-date isn’t the only benefit, Dr. Norris said.
  • Adrian completed his undergraduate degree in 2020, entering into a job market that was suffering from twin ailments of an economic recession and a global pandemic.

Online communities and support groups are good places to start, as are clubs and networking events in your area. Just asking a friend to join you for coffee can help. If you’re interested in pursuing activities that relate to your professional skills, keeping your résumé up-to-date isn’t the only benefit, Dr. Norris said. It could be your family, friends, your therapist, or anyone else you consider a support system.

Starting A Career

Swim in your own lane, do your thing and you WILL get there. Most geographies have job support services so try to find them in your area. Or check out many of the many online resources which offer advice. LinkedIn, Clubhouse and Facebook all have groups for job seekers. Looking for a job has a dark side and job search depression is very real for large numbers of people. And many people have been unemployed since BEFORE the pandemic, which means at least 3 months without a job. Add to that group of people those who became jobless as a result of the pandemic.

  • Start with one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  • Disturbingly, the research seems to suggest that it can.
  • You might see an increase in careless mistakes or minor accidents.
  • Each tailored industry resume I wrote kept me glued to the computer for hours.
  • Especially during periods when you have limited energy and focus, I recommend devoting the majority of your time to networking as opposed to applying to job ads.

You might not have the right skills for the job you’re applying for. Or maybe you’re just not the right fit for the company. Unfortunately, feeling down about your job can affect other areas of your life. Feeling hopeless about your job search can go beyond your career planning.

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Don’t shy away from volunteering and building networks. Instead, tell from which direction your next job may come. Check out Groot, though he joined by accident, he became instrumental in creating Thor’s new hammer, the Stormbreaker. If your world has just turned upside-down because you lost grip of your life, remember Captain America. Just imagine Cap fighting for a good cause while taking control of his personal life, too.

depression and job search

You’ll get past the uncomfortableness and segue into networking right away. If you’re currently out of work, you may be feeling more job search depression isolated and alone. Reaching out to your connections, meeting new ones, and building relationships may lead to your next role.

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It will help you stay organized in today’s very competitive job markets. Rejection is an inevitable part of the job search process. Job searching provoked a wealth of negative feelings in the participants.

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Before you do, though, be sure to take a minute to assess how you’ve been doing things and decide if there is anything you can do to improve your results. The answer may not be obvious, and if you can’t pinpoint the issue, then it’s worth doing a quick refresh of your application materials and online presence.